Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hey mortal muggles,

I am trying to usurp Santa’s job from him and he surely has tough competition ;) Reason being, I like the colour of his suit[oh my my!!!! the red surely tickles a lot of senses] and the sustainable mode of commute [sledge and reindeers] is definitely a big high.

So what`s the strategy? Well, I cant do it without volunteers and supporters and friends [so got to make my Vote Appeal as well..] here it goes:

  1. Please write down 3 targets for the coming year – 2011 [what is it that u would like/wish to achieve in, like, desires..blah blah ] Things you really really want. This is a spiritual/humanistic Santa [diplomatic words for being selfish and humble santa ] so don’t ask for the Materialistic gibberish. It can also be something you would like to change in yourself or another person as well.
  2. Chalk out a road map to achieve those three targets. Come on guys, santa can drive you to the destination but the route is something you got to take na?[chauffeur driven Bentley with a red santa as a driver…ooooohhh lalalala…you guys sure are extremely lucky!!!! ]. So decided your goalposts/enroute stations in terms of months/weeks/bimonthly/quarterly/half yearly..whatevere.
  3. Send [] the targets to me [3 only]…Why? you need to coz incase you forgot, I am the Santa here. [Big Grin ] Mail it to me before Christmas or else the sale will end…early bird discounts granted but with applicable conditions [sorry, this santa lives in gujju land]. You cant possible expect the Satan to play Santa all year round!..Gosh its so so boring being the nice giving Shalvi..Phew!!

Pointers: You might initially have just one or two targets ..but greed is overpowering and you would not realize that when u sit and reflect, the list just is endless. So you need to be generous and allow other people some things as well and sift the husk from the wheat to bring it down to three…wow this is a rhyming santa too…one more brownie point added to my list of attributes. Hip Hip Hurray!!!

And yes, this Santa is surely strict with confidentiality, so it will be adhered too.


Shalvi Agarvwal

PS: This is an experimental Project that i have undertaken and would request your support, association and help to complete the same. Please be as honest as possible.

1 comment:

Manish Batra said...

Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
Vissco Walker

Keep Posting:)